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What Five Star Restaurants Teach You about Healthy Snacks for Kids

ants-on-a-log4A fine meal at a good restaurant has many details. It uses fresh ingredients and interesting recipes. There is a variety of foods and the presentation is pleasing.

When food is prepared thoughtfully and beautifully, even the most basic meal becomes an experience. You can’t wait to try it. Once you start eating, you want to savor it.

But getting your kids to eat healthy snacks can feel like the opposite. Your child may balk at anything he thinks is healthy. She may be picky or prefer sweet or fatty foods.

You probably wouldn’t say that your child loves the snacks so much they can’t wait to eat them. And savoring them? Not likely.

But sometimes, the solution is easier than it seems.

Think about your snacks like a fine chef. Find ways to prepare your food beautifully. Make common foods seem unusual. Add interesting flavors or combinations.

Sometimes just changing the food a little bit can make your child dig in.

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How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy with Acupuncture

smilingWhen you think of taking care of your teeth, do you think of acupuncture?

You probably don’t and that’s not unusual. Most people believe that brushing, flossing and a trip to the dentist for a cleaning twice a year is a good dental routine. And for most, it is.

But for some people, that routine doesn’t keep their teeth in good shape. Despite good dental hygiene, they continue to have dental issues.

And for others, just going to the dentist is stressful and difficult. It’s hard to get good dental care when you dread your trip to the dentist.

Fortunately, acupuncture can support dental health and make your trip to the dentist easier. continue reading »

Sticking to your New Year’s Resolution: The Trick is Not What You Think

new-years-resolution-1_lIt’s New Year’s again.  It’s time to make a resolution.

And you know the drill. You set goals.  You work on them for a couple of weeks.  You begin to flag.

Many times you give up by February.

Your New Year’s resolution becomes a distant memory until the next New Year’s when you feel slightly guilty and begin the whole process again.

If each year you make a resolution and each year you break it, something has to change.  The only way this year can be different is if you do something different.

The trick is not changing your resolution.  The trick to achieving your resolution is to use an entirely new plan to reach it. continue reading »

How to Unhook Your Logical Brain and Gain New Insights on Last Year

You’ve probably heard of right-brained vs. left-brained activities.

Right-brained activities are creative, intuitive and subjective.  Left-brained activities are linear, analytical and logical.

It has been a popular myth that people prefer right-brained or left-brained activities because they have a dominant side of the brain.  It turns out that while certain activities are wired on one side of the brain (for example language tends to be on the left), people use each side of the brain equally.

So if the brain is wired for both activities, why is creative thinking so hard? continue reading »

6 Facts to Know When Using Acupuncture to Quit Smoking

No_SmokingSmoking is a strong, complicated addiction.  Quitting smoking is no small task and you will need lots of support to be successful.  You need the best tools to help with the physical and emotional symptoms, and acupuncture is a great resource to help you succeed.

Here are the 6 things you should know about using acupuncture to quit smoking.  continue reading »

Honest Answers to Your Top Acupuncture Questions

meridian-man-headA few weeks ago, I asked for your most pressing acupuncture questions.  I’ve compiled the most common questions and I noticed one distinct trend—there are a lot of questions about the needles.  Some of you must be nervous about getting needled!

If these acupuncture answers don’t put your fears to rest, call me for more information.  Acupuncture brings good health, relaxation and vitality.  I don’t want fear to stop you from getting treatment. continue reading »

The Best Home Gym Equipment for Less than $50

jumpropeDon’t you love how great you feel when you work out regularly?

You’re alert, you sleep better, and it’s easier to stay calm and optimistic.  Once you get in the routine of working out and keeping a healthy routine, it’s fun.

But there’s always something that stops you.  For most of us, it’s either time or money.  We don’t have time, and gym memberships are too expensive.

Let’s imagine a dream solution.  You want the fitness tools you find in a gym but you want to do it at home so it’s convenient.  You want aerobics, strength and stretching so you have a good holistic workout.

And most importantly, you don’t want to spend more than $50 on any piece of equipment.

Can you build a home gym with that budget?

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Compassionate, Free Help for Veterans with PTSD

soldierYou’ve seen the strained look on her face.  She’s far away.  She doesn’t sleep well and sits around all day doing nothing.  She’s always tired.  You’ve invited her to the things she loves doing, but she never feels like doing them anymore.  Sometimes she yells a lot—really overreacts.  But when you ask her what’s wrong, she denies any problems.

You’re happy she is back from Iraq, but you thought it would be different.  You thought you could get back to normal.

You thought that having her home safe would make both of you happy again.  She’s not at war anymore—why is she acting this way?

Your loved one may have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Many veterans suffer from PTSD.  The Veterans Administration (VA) reports that as many as 11-20% of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have it.  Common war traumas include having been shot at, having seen someone shot or having seen death, but another cause of PTSD in veterans is military sexual trauma (MST).  According to the VA, 23% of women in the military report sexual assault.

These numbers are scary but the good news is that there is help.  There are even free clinics that provide acupuncture. continue reading »

What Are Your Acupuncture Questions?

hand-acuQuestions?  Comments?  Concerns?

Normally I use this blog to tell you a little about my favorite topics, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture and natural health.  But today I want to do something different.

I want to learn more about you.

Today I want to know what your concerns and questions are.

Ask me anything, basic or complicated.  Ask about TCM, acupuncture or general health.  Ask about injuries, illness or disease.  Whatever is on your mind, ask the question.

Contact me here, and I’ll reply to your questions as soon as I can.

The Secrets of Acupuncture for Children: Getting Kids to Love Acupuncture Needles

family-acupunctureAcupuncture is great for children.

Children are very responsive to the acupuncture needles and often show great improvement after a treatment.   Acupuncture is fantastic for many childhood illnesses like coughs, fevers, ear infections, bed wetting, digestive issues, colic, allergies, ADD and ADHD.  And more and more research proves that acupuncture is safe for kids.

But many parents worry that their kids will hate the needles.  They want to avoid a treatment that is traumatic and difficult.

How do you give a child a treatment which they may not like?

The answer is that you do it kid style. continue reading »

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